The Art of Silly Questions

A Not-So-Secret Secret Weapon

A simple garden task once taught me the cost of assumptions and the power of a single question. Let me tell you about it.

I've always loved gardening; there's something magical and meditative about it. This love brings forth some of my fondest memories, especially during summer when I, a design student, assisted my late mentor, Tom, with his garden.

Tom's garden was a masterpiece, a thing of beauty. Rows of tulips in colors like bright yellows, pinks, and deep purples would dance in the summer breeze. Among them were rare flowers, which he'd search for throughout the year, each with a unique story.

Tom had an eye for detail. Every corner of his oasis showcased his obsession with finding these unique beauties. And there, among them, was our favorite spot: the grill. We'd put a twist on frozen pizzas with fancy ingredients, crafting them into our very own delicacies. It was our little tradition we'd observe all year long. And while our gourmet pizzas were always on point, I never expected my grasp of English semantics to momentarily turn this little paradise into a scene of botanical drama. Let me explain.

One summer day, Tom entrusted me with trimming down two overgrown shrubs located right in the middle of his garden. English being my third language, I knew what "trimming" meant. But "trimming down?" I took the term too literally. Confident in my interpretation, I trimmed... and trimmed... and trimmed some more... until the trees were nearly bare.

Shortly after, Tom woke from his nap. When he saw the near-naked shrubs, his heart plummeted. He was utterly devastated.

That day, I learned a few valuable lessons. About gardening, yes, but more so about the essence of communication and the power of asking what we might perceive as "stupid" questions. Let me highlight them for you:

  • Clearer Path Ahead: To assume frequently leads to misunderstandings for both parties involved.

  • Ask, and You Shall Know: If ever uncertain, it's always best to ask a question for clarification, no matter how silly it sounds.

  • Mistakes Begone: Asking unanswered questions at the start of a task will effectively keep mistakes at bay.

  • Sharpen Your Edge: Like honing your networking skills, cultivate your knack for impactful questioning. It's a powerful tool to own.

  • Embrace Humility: Always choose genuine understanding over misplaced pride and apprehension. You'll be surprised what humility can do for your career.

The trimming incident was more than a garden mishap—it was a pivotal learning curve. Be it amidst tulips or in a team meeting, the lesson here is to never shy away from seeking clarity. That "silly" question you're holding back could be the most valuable one you ask.

Note to Self:

  • Assuming risks making fools of both parties involved.

  • Eliminate guessing; seek clarity through questions.

  • A timely question can sidestep significant errors.

  • Mastering the art of questioning is invaluable.

  • Prioritize humility over pride and fear, every time.

Peace and Love. ✌️❤️ 

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P.S. Tom was an unparalleled mentor. Imagine Gordon Ramsey's genius, James Victore's fearlessness, and Mr. Bean's playful spirit all rolled into one. With him, my lessons transcended software; he taught me the art of perception and effortlessly linking divergent concepts. He was among the sharpest and most knowledgeable individuals I've encountered to date. As vocal as he was in life, he was fiercely private. And truth be told, he'd have probably tried to knock me out for even writing this.

Truly, I wish you to meet a legend like Tom in your field, a mentor who unconditionally supports you and propels you to greatness.

Much love to you, Señor Pescado. Fly high in power. ❤️ 


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