One Step Will Do

That's really all it takes.

"One step will do"…

One step will do is a mantra I use whenever I feel overwhelmed by a project or task that takes me outside my comfort zone. I'll write it on sticky notes, on the corners of notebook pages, or as a temporary wallpaper for my phone.

It's my way of getting unstuck. It's my trigger to acknowledge that I'm overwhelmed that I have been here before. It's a reminder that this feeling I'm experiencing is familiar and that I know what to do.

The most recent instance was a few months ago. I was rebranding a project for a non-profit project organization that was a new client.

It all started with great excitement. The brief was clear, and I knew exactly how I wanted to tackle the thing.

Then, out of nowhere, doubts, impostor syndrome, and insecurities started flooding in.

Suddenly, I wasn't so confident.

I have two ways out of this situation.

First scenario: Time is on my side. I put the project on ice for a few days and focus on a completely different one to completely disconnect.

Second scenario: Deadlines are looming. I don't have the luxury of taking time off. I interrupt my work sessions with short time-outs.

I move my chair out of the way and lie on the floor. In a starfish position, I close my eyes and slow my breathing—Inhale for 4 secs. Hold Exhale for four secs. Hold.

This helps me reset and relax. When I get back to my desk, I'm more mellow.

From there, I go analogue. Pen and Paper. Or sticky notes. I make a list of manageable tasks. When satisfied, I cut them in half.

The list helps me refocus, reframe the work, and get the ball rolling.

Instead of aiming to conquer the entire mountain, I focused on taking a single step and momentarily letting go of the big picture.

I remind myself that I've been here countless times before and made it out successfully and in one piece.

So yea…

Note to Self: 

  • Don't let the weight of the whole endeavour hold you back.

  • Remember, you've overcome similar challenges before, even if in different contexts.

  • Take that one single step to propel you forward.

  • Trust in your abilities, be courageous, and press forward.

You got this.

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